Tanaka: Sumimasen, Sumisu-san desu ka?
すみません、スミスさんですか。Smith: Hai, sou desu. Anata wa?
はい、そうです。あなたは?Tanaka: Watashi wa Tanaka to iimasu. Onaji kurasu desu ne.
私は田中(たなか)といいます。同(おな)じクラスですね。Smith: Tanaka-san, yoroshiku onegai shimasu.
田中さん、よろしくお願いします。Tanaka: Yoroshiku onegai shimasu. Kyou no jugyou wa muzukashikatta desu ne.
よろしくお願いします。今日の授業(じゅぎょう)は難(むずか)しかったですね。Smith: Sou desu ne. Mada sukoshi wakaranai tokoro ga arimasu.
そうですね。まだ少すこしわからないところがあります。Tanaka: Moshi yokereba, isshoni benkyou shimasen ka?
もしよければ、いっしょに勉強(べんきょう)しませんか。Smith: Ii desu ne. Doko de benkyou shimasu ka?
いいですね。どこで勉強しますか。Tanaka: Toshokan de benkyou shimashou. Ashita no gogo wa dou desu ka?
図書館(としょかん)で勉強しましょう。明日(あした)の午後はどうですか。Smith: Iidesuyo. Tanoshimi ni shiteimasu. Jyaa mata ashita.
Tanaka: Excuse me, you are Mr. Smith, right?
Smith: Yes, that's right. And you are?
Tanaka: I'm Tanaka. We are in the same class, right?
Smith: Mr. Tanaka, nice to meet you.
Tanaka: Nice to meet you. Today's class was difficult, wasn't it?
Smith: Yes, it was. There are still some parts I don't understand.
Tanaka: If you'd like, shall we study together?
Smith: Sounds good. Where should we study?
Tanaka: Let's study at the library. How about tomorrow afternoon?
Smith: Sure. I'm looking forward to it. See you tomorrow.
When introducing yourself in Japanese, use 〜と言います (to iimasu), which means "My name is...". In this script, Tanaka introduces himself using 私は田中と言います (Watashi wa Tanaka to iimasu).
〜かったですね ending is used to express agreement about something being difficult or tough. In this script, Tanaka says 今日の授業はむずかしかったですね (Kyou no jugyou wa muzukashikatta desu ne), meaning "Today's class was difficult, wasn't it?"
To make a suggestion, use 〜しませんか (shimasen ka), which is like saying "Shall we...?" In this conversation, Tanaka asks もしよければ、いっしょに勉強しませんか (Moshi yokereba, isshoni benkyou shimasen ka), meaning "If you'd like, shall we study together?"
The 〜ましょう ending is used to talk about doing something together in the future. Tanaka says 明日の午後に図書館で会いましょう (Ashita no gogo ni toshokan de aimashou), meaning "Let's meet at the library tomorrow afternoon."