Smith: Sumimasen, chiketto wa ikura desu ka?
すみません、チケットはいくらですか。Staff: Happyaku gojuu en desu.
850円(えん)です。Smith: Eigo no ōdio gaido wa arimasu ka?
英語(えいご)のオーディオガイドはありますか。Staff: Hai, arimasu. Hai douzo.
はい、あります。はい、どうぞ。Smith: Tokubetsu na tenji wa arimasu ka?
特別(とくべつ)な展示(てんじ)はありますか。Staff: Hai, ukiyo-e no tenrankai wo kaisai shiteimasu.
はい、浮世絵(うきよえ)の展覧会(てんらんかい)を開催(かいさい)しています。Smith: Hontou desu ka! Totemo kyoumi ga arimasu. Chiketto wo onegaishimasu.
Smith: Excuse me, how much is the ticket?
Staff: It’s 850 yen.
Smith: Do you have an English audio guide?
Staff: Yes, we do. Here you go.
Smith: Is there any special exhibition?
Staff: Yes, we are holding an ukiyo-e exhibition.
Smith: Really! I’m very interested in that. One ticket, please.
This is the standard way to ask how much something costs in Japanese. It directly translates to "How much is it?"
To ask if something is available, use [item] + はありますか. This phrase is commonly used in shops or places like museums.
Use 〜に興味(きょうみ)があります (ni kyoumi ga arimasu) to say that you’re interested in something. This can be applied to topics, exhibitions, or objects.
Use 〜をお願いします (wo onegaishimasu) to politely ask for something. This phrase is especially common when making purchases or requests.